Monday, March 22, 2010

Final Project.....=(


I had a better version of this I have to redo. I will upload redone project when finished.

Project 5 - "Bring It To Life"

I spent some time trying to find the right place to take my photograph, and once i did I wanted to learn something new to show as part of the 3D animation... This project shows some reactor simulations as well as a path constraint to make the crayon appear as if it was writting on the paper.

Finally a project I'm happy with. Still had computer problems. Obviously need a dual core processor with at least 2 gig memory.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ashley Tyson "Bring it to life"

I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do for

this project. Once I figured it out it turned

out good. I like it I added the fire in the


Ashley Tyson "Reactor Simulator"

I got to use the water reactor. It was fun

and it gave a really interesting look. I still

have difficulties with the camera though.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Designing the animation and laying out the camera path was fun, but I cannot use the correct words to describe the frustration of trying to apply materials and map and then all the problems of trying to get it uploaded to the blog. After all, this is a family site.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fun project to learn. Unfortunately I did not have much time to play with this project to come up with a more original example.

Monday, March 15, 2010

this is what I initially wanted it to look like more or less. The objects are all reflective, rather than using shadows.

reactor simulation

This was difficult to render because of materials.

I had to remove the floor, shadows and other things. After that, it worked fine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I enjoyed playing this lesson, it gave me the opportunity to explore and learn new things about this program

Monday, March 8, 2010

I enjoyed this project a lot, and I like the effects

Cloth & Particle

This was a real pain. My old laptop must have been maxed out. The program kept crashing when I'd try to alter things, especially the time line. It got to the point as I was working on the 2nd particle reactor it was nearly impossible to do anything. I decided not to push my luck and just render what I had. It took about 8 attempts to render and a lot of wasted time waiting for it to render and then have it crash. I finally got it to render, although it took 2 hours.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Project 3 "Cloth"

I had some difficulties with my flag trying to
get it to wave. I am working on 2010 and
when you create a cloth it defaults gravity,
and it defaults it to like 900. The gravity
was to strong for the wind to blow the flag.
I made the flag transparent by making a
opasity image in photoshop with the image
I made. When I put on the material I clicked
opasity, and selected bitmap, then chose my
black and white image. White being the part
of the flag you see and the black being the

Monday, March 1, 2010

My challange on this animation was getting the particles to work just the right way... after browsing through tutorials I got a nice effect, & then realized the hard way the effects of rendering a glass effect... Very Long Waiting Time!!

flag and particle

This lesson involved applying a cloth modifier, gravity, wind and particle stream. Tweaking the wind was the most difficult. The particle still is not what I hoped it would be.