Sunday, June 20, 2010

Collision Reactor

I had another idea before turning in this one but it wasn't going well and fixing it would take a while so I decided to do another idea I had in mind just in case the first one would fail. So then came this one and I am still a little confused about using reactor but in the end, the results were great and pretty cool. I can't wait to practice using the reactor with my own future projects.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pencil Wars!!!!

This is my final project. It is a composite piece placing 3ds into a real life scenery. I wasn't able to get everything that I wanted but I am pleased with it. I think I will eventually have Pencil Wars II when I get a little better.

My Toy World

I had so much fun with this project and was happy for it to be the final. It's been a fun time in this class with the students the the teacher himself. I hope everyone else that wants to or has joined this class to have even more fun. ^_^

Project 5

I am very unhappy with this project. I ran out of time due to unforeseen errors. But I do like this program, I only wish we had more time to work with it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My bowling skills

I had fun with this project and finally got to upload it *Crashed my computer a few times* with the reactor simulator i made the effect of bowling and was impressed with my results, although the camera is a bit screwy, i kinda like it and wouldn't change it at all. The colors are also fascinating and came out very well, loving the material.

Project 5: Composite

Title: Ozymandias was Here
I selected this image for the background as I found it to be a great juxtaposition for both Ancient/Modern and Destruction/Reconstruction.
poems by P. B. Shelley and H. Smith
image file: "Ninth Pylon at Karnak"; location: Wikipedia; (copyright holder has released this work into the public domain)
...........this is starting to be fun now. Thanks Aaron, everybody!

Real World Application

This project was fun to play around with. There are so many applications that can be used with this type feature for 3Ds Max. The most difficult part of the project was getting the lighting and the shadow to look correct as the object moved across the plane with the Matte/Shadow material added to it. I believe it turned out pretty good.

Project 4 - Reactor

This project was a little bit challenging but fun. Making sure that the unyielding and inactivity of the correct objects were crucial in making sure that the reactor worked properly. The materials added gave the project a little boost in eye appeal along with adding more elastisity to the floor and the walls to give the balls falling a little more "bounce in their step".

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bring it to Life

This is my second time trying to post. The video is smaller due to the limitations of blogger. I had fun doing this project. I had to play with the lighting so the duck's shadow was the same as the kayak.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This was a fun project. It was a bit challenging trying to get the apples to look just right, but I think it came out pretty well. I look forward to playing with the reactor tool more in the future.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

this is my original reactor scene, but the snowball for some reason goes right though instead of making him fall apart.

This is our reactor project. Since I lost my other file, this is what I have.

Reactor Project

The reactor project was fun but I wish that this was a 2 week project because I am sure you could do some pretty awsome things. But it was nice learning a little bit more of 3DMs.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Reactor Simulator

My first effort with a water reactor. This 6 second animation took 1.5 hours to process.


This was a fun project.
I really enjoyed playing with the reactor as it was fun to see the different changes you could do just by changing the mass.

ONG Reactor Blaster!!

With this project I had to play around with the reactor. I decided to make a series of sloping planes in which the ball made its way down to the pins at the bottom. I had to play around with the gravity to get enough speed/enertia for the ball to hit the pins at the bottom.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Particle/Fabric (update)

Here is final animation for this project. I was able to get the water/drape effect to match design intent with a 2 sided plane. Rendering this 3 second clip took 30 minute to process.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

ONG Cloth and Particle

With this project I was able to make two flags move with 2 different winds. The original version of this project was a lot more detailed with a lot more objects in the scene but I had to alter it to fit Blogger's space availability.

This is our cloth and particle project. I tried making a fish in a tub spitting out water, but what comes out of his mouth really looks more like blobs. The towel over the bathtub is the one with the cloth effect.

My Super Man Project

I had fun with this project and finally got to learn on how to make it rain and add a background. The cloth was very fun, and soon i will be able to make not only a cape, but a scarf as well.

Peter Wakem

WHAT A FANTASTIC PROJECT. My computer crashed at school twice. my computer at home only has 3d model max 2011 which doesnt jive with 2008. everytime i went to work on it between classes, the room was locked. sooooooo...i spent the first half of the next class, working on homework, missing the lecture for the next project. I really enjoied this project, can i please do it again?

"Cloth and Particles"

This project was fun, especially creating the umbrella and beach ball models. Making the cloth look realistic without having an object other than the ground to collide with was tricky. I was relieved to learn making it rain was not as hard as I thought it would be. The biggest challenge was uploading it to the blog. I look forward to playing with cloth and particles more when I get some time...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cloth & Particle

I really enjoyed this project. It was a challenge to stop the cloth from tearing. It was also difficult to upload so I hope this time it works.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Particles and Fabric

Here's my best effort to date, (2nd rendering as of 6/1/10). The process is still serendipitous, but it's getting better.

Friday, May 28, 2010

3D Cloth & Particle

Deciding what to do with this project was a little hard. I wanted to come up with some new idea other than a flag or cloth falling on a sphere. After thinking of ideas, I decided my cloth would be a curtain flowing in the wind through a window. It took me a while to make sure that the cloth was attached to the bar so that when the wind came, it wouldn't fly away. Once I got it to work, I was happy but I had no idea where to place the particles so I decided to put rain outside the window. It's a little hard to see the rain but you can tell its raining by its shadows infront of the window.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Material & Partical

This project was very interesting, it was a challenge getting use to the wind effect with the cloth. The rain was simple. I feel like the projects seem tough at first but after a few hours of experimenting with the tools it gets easier pretty quick.

I found that it easier to give my a self a root-canal, than to upload this video.

making the logo was easier than I originally thought; that being said

I really enjoy the whole exp. (with the excepion of uploading this)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

CLF Logo

Starting this seemed easy but I wasn't sure what kind of logo animation to do. I had installed cameras to make it move but it ended up not working well so I had to give up on that dream and stick with the animation staying still. One thing that I struggled with the most was trying to get the letters seem more animated and have some sort of human characteristics as you can see in the animation. But once I was able to do that, I was happy to see it looking like it does.

3ds Logo

Here is my first logo. I had to diminish the size and quality to get it online. With the project I tried what I have learned thus far. I am still looking forward to learning new things and exploring what this software is able to do.


............a work in progress.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My logo project

I finally got to finish this, after many trials and errors and finally realizing my the moment ofcourse, that i made this movie. I'm so happy to finally get it and will greatly improve with the others. I had fun and i will love to make another one for a real company.

The background is the logo for the company I work for Port Royal Jewelers. I was just trying to work with the camera and lights a little here. But I am going to continue to work on this because we are going to use some of the videos I make for our window display monitors and for the showroom. I was trying to make the light go from left to right at the end but there are a little more things that need to be tweaked and eventually I am going to make the horse logo 3- dimensional and animated.

peter wakem take 2


peter wakem

After I gave up on my lighting nightmare clip, i started to get the hand of it. I enjoyed doing it but it seem pretty basic. I am set with the probulon and move basics but I still need to remember the 2 million folders that needs to be navigated threw to find materials. I enjoied this assignment.

Eric's first animated logo

This was a fun project, It is realy cool watching something that I created come to life. This is now my favorite program but it will take the longest amount of time to get use to the tools and functions.
This 3D logo animation was the perfect project to start off with. I was able to incorporate animation, camera motion, and omni light motion. The camera motion gave me the biggest test with this project in order to get the correct angle and the correct look. In my opinion I believe it turned out very good. Take a look and enjoy!
In this assignment I chose the 3D Logo Animation. This project was was fun. I was challenged by the Motion Blur a bit, and still need some practice with the lighting. Overall, I feel like I am understanding the program better everyday.

3D Logo

Enjoyed making this except for the fact that I wanted to fine tune it but was unable to open it here in class. Also adding the material wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

3Ds Max, creating complex volumes

As a beginner with 3Ds Max, it seems that the Editable Poly function is the most efficient way to generate complex volumes.
My approach:
Having some familiarity with AutoCad, I'm relying on keyboard entry of x-y coordinates to construct accurate 2D shapes that can be extruded. These die-cut pieces can then be whittled to the desired form and joined with others to generate more complex assemblies.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Final Project.....=(


I had a better version of this I have to redo. I will upload redone project when finished.

Project 5 - "Bring It To Life"

I spent some time trying to find the right place to take my photograph, and once i did I wanted to learn something new to show as part of the 3D animation... This project shows some reactor simulations as well as a path constraint to make the crayon appear as if it was writting on the paper.

Finally a project I'm happy with. Still had computer problems. Obviously need a dual core processor with at least 2 gig memory.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ashley Tyson "Bring it to life"

I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do for

this project. Once I figured it out it turned

out good. I like it I added the fire in the


Ashley Tyson "Reactor Simulator"

I got to use the water reactor. It was fun

and it gave a really interesting look. I still

have difficulties with the camera though.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Designing the animation and laying out the camera path was fun, but I cannot use the correct words to describe the frustration of trying to apply materials and map and then all the problems of trying to get it uploaded to the blog. After all, this is a family site.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fun project to learn. Unfortunately I did not have much time to play with this project to come up with a more original example.

Monday, March 15, 2010

this is what I initially wanted it to look like more or less. The objects are all reflective, rather than using shadows.

reactor simulation

This was difficult to render because of materials.

I had to remove the floor, shadows and other things. After that, it worked fine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I enjoyed playing this lesson, it gave me the opportunity to explore and learn new things about this program

Monday, March 8, 2010

I enjoyed this project a lot, and I like the effects

Cloth & Particle

This was a real pain. My old laptop must have been maxed out. The program kept crashing when I'd try to alter things, especially the time line. It got to the point as I was working on the 2nd particle reactor it was nearly impossible to do anything. I decided not to push my luck and just render what I had. It took about 8 attempts to render and a lot of wasted time waiting for it to render and then have it crash. I finally got it to render, although it took 2 hours.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Project 3 "Cloth"

I had some difficulties with my flag trying to
get it to wave. I am working on 2010 and
when you create a cloth it defaults gravity,
and it defaults it to like 900. The gravity
was to strong for the wind to blow the flag.
I made the flag transparent by making a
opasity image in photoshop with the image
I made. When I put on the material I clicked
opasity, and selected bitmap, then chose my
black and white image. White being the part
of the flag you see and the black being the

Monday, March 1, 2010

My challange on this animation was getting the particles to work just the right way... after browsing through tutorials I got a nice effect, & then realized the hard way the effects of rendering a glass effect... Very Long Waiting Time!!

flag and particle

This lesson involved applying a cloth modifier, gravity, wind and particle stream. Tweaking the wind was the most difficult. The particle still is not what I hoped it would be.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fly through animation

The hardest part for me with this project was moving the camera in steady realistic way. I learned how use cameras and lighting to make my scenes better and more interesting.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

project two flyby

The biggest challenge seems to be the camera movement. As I worked with it more, I got a little more familiar with it and it got easier. The actual construction of the letters and assigning materials is a walk in the park, but the camera work is tricky. I have a feeling I will be practicing this a lot.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

project Two Jose J. Pita

For the first time I start to understant a litle bit more this class and I was able to do this video.

Ashley's Project 2 "Fly Through"

This project was a little complicating. The

logo gave me many difficulties. What you

should do if you create your logo in

Illustrator is create outlines, then save it

as Illustrator 8. When you bring it in to 3DS

Max, extrude it, you will see that all of the

letters with holes in it are filled in because

it is a shape. Click where the hole should be

on each letter, and delete the extrude for

them. Click the inside lines of each letter, go

into the vertex on the modifier list, click

attach, click the outside of that letter, then

click show end result. That was the most

difficult part of this project.


Because thie is a company that installs home theaters, I decided to use Hollywood premier type spotlights to light it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

This video show the Melt Modifier a lot... I liked the effect of the letters melting & by reversing the process It appears as if the letters we're forming from puddles on the ground. I added a snake-like camera movement going through the letters & coming to a stop at the DC logo... I placed two omni lights at both ends so that I could have shadows coming from all letters & angles...

Monday, February 8, 2010


This is the camera view for project one.


different perspectives of letter project 1

This is project one. My letter is funky fresh and awesome dude. It took 5 years to complete. I have nothing else to add. Seacrest out.

Marty Childers Project 1

My main problem was trying to follow my notes. I took notes during class rather than following along on the computer.

This was the project that drove us all crazy, because we didn't know the interface, shortcuts, or how to do anything. But I think it came out pretty good. Just a simple letter animation & camera movement...

Tyson Project 2

This project was called "A Single Letter." I
decided to do my whole last name. It was a
challenge to get the hang of the new program.
I did a custom floor mixing two materials
together. I had some issues with the wall
because I put two rectangles together, but
then I found on the creation tab the wall
creator. It was a big rush to see the final